miércoles, 7 de julio de 2010

My Favorite part the my house

My favorite part of the house is the living room because there we met all my family and we're together ^ ^

sábado, 26 de junio de 2010

These are my cousins ... I love my cousins. The dark brown Yenmelier called her that using Fussi shirt and blue jean, which is next to yenmelier called Jose, he is wearing white shirt with blue jean, qu is next to is jose Yesmiht she is using top white Fussi, next I am, Nancy, and I'm wearing Green shirt with a blue jean, beside me is Rossana, she is using purple shirt and blue jean silver letters, those who are below are Caesar, which is using celestial chemi Electric blue and blue jean, beside he is Luciana, she is using green shirt with white and blue jean blue and finally by her side is Daniela, she is using flad jeans and brown shirt.

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010

Activity #2- My Class Schedule

Monday: I go to the college in the morning of 7 at 11, and I see two classes which are English of 7 at 9 and Applied Statistics of 9 at 11.

Tuesday: I go to the college in the morning of 7 at 11, and I see two classes which are Communication Theory of 7 at 9 and Introduction to the Movies 9 at 11.

Wednesday: I go to the college in the morning of 7 at 11, and I see two classes which are Cooporativa Communication of 7 at 8:20, Semiology of 8:20 at 10:10 and FREE of 10:10 at 11.

Thursday: I go to the college in the morning of 7 at 11, and I see two classes which are Political Economy of 7 at 8:20, FREE of 8:20 at 9 and Self-esteem and Human Development of 9 at 11.

Friday: Morming FREE =)...

Saturday: Morning FREE =)...

Sunday: Morming FREE =)...

martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

Activity #1- Dialogue

Nancy: Here's the newpaper, Jose

Jose: Ahh is good. What new restaurant Italian food?

Nancy: The Avanti Restaurant and their specialty is pasta, open from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Let's go!

Jose: Humm.. I don't really food pasta.

Nancy: Okay.
Then eat pizza, you think?

okay. that sounds great. Let's go

Hi there..

Hi... My name is Nancy Gomez. I'm 18 years old. I study Social Comunication in URBE. I from Cuidad Ojeda-Zulia-Venezuela. I like going out with my friends, singing, listening to music and make cookies. I love sleep. My goal is tograduate and I'm want to licensed. My Email is nancyggp91@gmai.com

miércoles, 22 de julio de 2009

trabo de sistemas de informacion e internet

1.- Diga 3 Diferencias entre sistema de informacion manual y sistema de informacion automatizado.

  • Que el sistema de informacion automatizado utiliza las nuevas tecnologias y todo lo hace mediante tecnologias

2.- Diga los dominios de los paises: Venezuela, Colombia, Peru y Argentina.

  • Venezuela: com.ve ó co.ve
  • Colombia: com.co
  • Peru: com.pe
  • Argentina: com.ar

3.- Cuales son los Elementos de Hardware necesario para acceder a internet

  • Navegador o Explorador
  • Proevedores de servicio de internet como Digitel, movistar o movilnet

resumen curricular

Datos Personales

Nombre: Nancy Gabriela

Apellido: Gómez Paz

Sexo: Femenino

Datos Academicos

Carrera: Comunicacion Social

Mencion: Audiovisual

Habilidades y destrezas


Ayudar a mis compañero en lo que puedo

Jugar Volleibol

Experiencia Laboral

U.E.P. Juan Bosco